wiki:CiviCRM Module HSCIC Importer Planning

Version 1 (modified by Richard Bramley, 11 years ago) ( diff )


CiviCRM GP/Practice Update Process

A proposed process to automatically import and update GP and GP Practice details.


  1. Import data from HSCIC web site.
  2. Import the data from the UHL data warehouse.


The data files are downloadable from the following page:

New files are release quarterly, but update files are released monthly (

2. UHL Data Warehouse

The data is stored in the DWREPO_BASE database. The tables are:

  • MF_GP_OCS (GPs)
  • MF_GP_PRACTICE_OCS (Practices)

There are other tables with similar names, but I don't know how they differ from the ones above.

It may be possible to use the SHA codes of the GPs to filter the details for the Leicestershire area.

These tables are recreated from scratch on a weekly basis, but the source from which they are created is the quarterly file above.

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