Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of LEGACY - CaTissueClientAPI

07/15/13 18:58:28 (12 years ago)
Nick Holden



  • LEGACY - CaTissueClientAPI

    v14 v15  
    1 == caTissue Client API ==
     1== Sampler - a caTissue API Client ==
    3 The client API is a way of extending the caTissue application. Jeff suspects the aim is to achieve more functionality within caTissue with less effort from the official development team.[[BR]]
     3The API is a way of extending the caTissue application. Jeff suspects the aim is to achieve more functionality within caTissue with less effort from the official development team.[[BR]]
    5 The client API allows you to use caTissue's domain objects (like Participant or Specimen) within another application (the client). All of the domain objects are serializable Java classes. The modus operandi is for the client to create or retrieve one of these and pass back the object to caTissue. The object gets serialized over the network for this to work.
     5The API client allows you to use caTissue's domain objects (like Participant or Specimen) within another application (the client). All of the domain objects are serializable Java classes. The modus operandi is for the client to create or retrieve one of these and pass back the object to caTissue. The object gets serialized over the network for this to work.
    77Here is some pseudo code of what a client must do to register a new participant, with comments:
    7979=== Installation Instructions ===
    81 The war file needs to be unpacked into a directory for editing. The WEB-INF/classes/remoteService.xml file needs to be edited to contain the correct URL for the instance of CaTissue which is to be referenced by the API client. Then the war file needs recreating, using "jar cvf sampler.war *" in the root directory of the unpacked war file. Remember to delete the old war file first.
     81The war file needs to be unpacked into a directory for editing. The WEB-INF/classes/remoteService.xml file needs to be edited to contain the correct URL for the instance of CaTissue which is to be referenced by the API client (on LAMP v2 servers, the easiest way is to reference 'localhost:8080'). Additionally, index.jsp can be edited to give a specific 'legend' for the relevant installation ("TEST", or whatever). Then the war file needs recreating, using "jar cvf sampler.war *" in the root directory of the unpacked war file. Remember to delete the old war file first.
    8383Then copy the new war file into the jboss deploy directory. Restart jboss.