17 | | The concept dimension can be considered immaterial to importing onyx data into i2b2 on a routine basis. The assumption here is that the concept dimension should be in synch with the ontology cell where the main ontology data is held. Currently, this assumption is safeguarded by previous steps in the process which updates both the ontology cell and the ontology dimension before we import any participant data. |
| 17 | The '''__concept dimension__''' can be considered immaterial to importing onyx data into i2b2 on a routine basis. The assumption here is that the concept dimension should be in synch with the ontology cell where the main ontology data is held. Currently, this assumption is safeguarded by previous steps in the process which updates both the ontology cell and the ontology dimension before we import any participant data. |
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| 19 | The '''__code lookup__''' is a lookup table. Basically a code to description mapping (eg, LCBRU : Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit). Currently no attempt is made to populate the lookup table: it is empty. The code lookup table is considered here to be a minor issue. |
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