= OpenSpecimen Gotchas liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock Tags: [[OpenSpecimen Summary]] [[Gotchas_Category]] == Diagnosis 1. OpenSpecimen will not start. 2. Check the {{{catalina.out}}} file in the error - usually in {{{/local/{Open Specimen Directory}/app/logs/}}}. 3. If you see lots of lines saying `liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock....`. == Resolution 1. Log onto the database in MySQL 2. `SELECT * FROM DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK;` - there should be one row with a value of 1 for the `locked` column and the details of the lock. 3. To clear the lock run `UPDATE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK SET LOCKED=FALSE, LOCKGRANTED=null, LOCKEDBY=null where ID=1;` [[BackLinks]]